Flowers Everywhere


Over the years we have lovingly created many hundreds of Bridal bouquets. We have seen fashions come and go from Orchids, Roses, Carnations and Gypsophilla through Lilies, Frangipanis, Gerberas and Sunflowers and back round again. Today floral fashion in the wedding arena is back to basics. Beautiful, seasonal, delicate, messy, pretty, informal, imperfect and local are some of terms used to describe what in in vogue at the moment. Brides are in turn taking a more participatory role in their flower selection as well as the making of table centres and other decorations.

We can provide the entire package from Bridal party flowers to the Ceremony flowers to the reception, including elaborate setups in far away places. Alternatively we can source the finest flowers at a very fair price and include advice or even training if you are intending to DIY your wedding flowers.

The following galleries are really only a glimpse of the work we have done. It is intended to demonstrate the standard of our work rather than offer set packages. Follow us on Instagram or  Facebook to see regular postings.      Enjoy!

Mt Lofty House
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